Hello everyone,
We will be having some updates done by either cloud or season in the future.
I dont want to give them away just yet, but i will give the general idea.
There will a new Tele or two.
The shops should be edited.
Possibly a new home- not sure about this
A jail in a secret place.....
Those are some of the things that should be changing, If your staying with us through this rough time for our server, Thank you very much!!
In other news:
There was a server reset so if you need a jump start please come and talk to me in game for a little help to get you back where you were. Please do not quit!!
Season has been made the new Co co owner! He is helping us code and he is one of the few players that have been on over a month.
We fixed the free rares glitch to make this game A TON fairer.